LiDAR Articles

Enter the TrueView Photo Contest!

Share your photos on LinkedIn by tagging @Geocue or complete the form and send us your photo!

We want to see how you’re leveraging TrueView technology to take your drone surveying projects to new heights. Whether you’re capturing stunning aerial imagery, setting up your TrueView payload for a mission, or collaborating with your team on-site, we want to see it all!

Click the link above or share a photo on LinkedIn and tag @GeoCue!

Here’s how it works:

Capture the Moment: Take an interesting photo featuring your TrueView payload in action or your Point Cloud in LP360. Whether it’s soaring through the skies, being set up for a surveying task, or showcasing your team’s processing expertise, the

Win: Every quarter, we’ll select one standout entry to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card! It’s our way of recognizing and rewarding the exceptional work of geospatial professionals like you.

How to Enter:

  1. Capture your moment or screenshot your point cloud.
  2. Post your pictures on LinkedIn. Don’t forget to tag #GeoCue in your post to ensure your entry is counted!
  3. Not on LinkedIN?  Simply click the image above and submit your photo.

Don’t miss this opportunity to share your expertise, inspire others, and win!

For more information with one of our LiDAR experts.