Drone LiDAR & imagery sensors

Innovative 3D Imaging Systems integrating drone LiDAR + multiple mapping camera integrations

Highly accurate drone LiDAR & imagery

Drone LiDAR is revolutionizing the way we work, such as creating 3D accurate models and allowing companies to digitize assets like never before. The TrueView™ product series uses a common hardware and software foundation for a family of sensors. The TrueView solution offers innovative drone LiDAR and photogrammetry solutions integrated in lightweight payloads. It allows for fast, easily automated generation of true 3D colorized point clouds, oblique imagery, and orthophotos from a single drone flight.

Drone LiDAR & imagery sensors

TV1 Lite
Our Most Accessible, Professional Grade LiDAR Sensor
Build Your Perfect Solution.
TrueView 720
Survey Grade Sensor
TrueView 680/680LR
360 LiDAR Sensor
TrueView 655/660
Survey Grade Sensor
TrueView 625
3D Imaging System
TrueView 545
NEW! All-Purpose Sensor
TrueView 540
Flexible high-end LiDAR
TrueView 535
UPDATED! All-Purpose Sensor
TrueView 515
MOST POPULAR! All-Purpose Sensor

Drone LiDAR sensor rental

Explore drone LiDAR at low risk and low cost. This unique business model allows customers to acquire a TrueView™ 435/515 3DIS under a subscription model for periods as short as ONE MONTH! This is an excellent model for seasonal use and surge capacity.

LP360 Logo

Extensive LiDAR Processing Software

LP360 brings the power of 3D point clouds to the user's desktop. GeoCue’s TrueView™ LP360 software, bundled with 3D Imaging Sensor, provides a complete post-processing workflow solution, taking your raw sensor data to a colorized point cloud and beyond to final product deliverables.


What our users say about us

The software is very intuitive and works well for numerous applications.
Classification of the point cloud is a breeze with the automated tools and requires minimum manual clean up.
LP360 is advanced LiDAR software that can meet our customers expectations.
Highlighted features include its excellent performance for large-scale LiDAR data display and viewing, extensive QA/QC tools, and compatibility with ArcGIS.

The Business Case for Drone LiDAR